Autobiography of a Yogi
is a very engrossing read! In his life recollections he has embedded ideas and notions that are tying up all that I have learnt so far in the past few months into a coherent whole. My head has been in the book since Aurangabad and all through the busride to Jalgaon this morning. That is, till I meet a chatty Indian student on his way to his university in Jalgaon who keeps me company half the trip and buys me the first taste of country roasted corn straight from a charcoal fire - The saying "Guest is God" is upheld as a practice here, one that India can be extremely proud of carrying. Paramahamsa Yogananda himself wrote in appreciation of this in
his book
I have developed a curiosity for Kriya Yoga. I first heard of it from Masha who was initiated while she was a devotee of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and taking courses in Art of Living. Then came Divyanand Swamiji whom we met in Gokarna during the monsoon, who took us to his home up on the hills overlooking the beach. And finally picking up
Autobiography of a Yogi
, a book strongly recommended by my Guru himself.
Kriya yoga is a meditation technique to control the senses and their grip on consciousness.
Kriya Yoga and Vipassana are now the 2 things on my todo list. I am hoping to attend a 10 day course on Vipassana in Igatpuri in end september, and maybe get deeksha in Kriya Yoga in Rishikesh. Whether I achieve this or not, I leave up to the wisdom and guidance of existance.
Do yourself a favor. Learn Sudarshan Kriya (from the Art of Living) first. Your restlessness for more techniques may end just there.
It's true. There are many yogic kriyas, almost all of which are immensely beneficial. The word that comes to mind when considering the Sudarshan Kriya, taught through Art of Living, is "effortless". It is worth pursuing, no matter what your path. Truly blissful also, leaves you at the very doorway of samadhi. Indispensible for meditators.....
Cheers and blessings on your path!
Thanks for your suggestion! Sudarshan Kriya from AOL is most probably the form Masha has been using, owing to the fact that she has been an active part of the organisation.
However in my trip to Gokarna and conversations with Divyanand Swamiji, I've been hinted to that the AOL method may not be the full meal. Masha herself is thinking of receiving initiation from Divyanand Swamiji.
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